Re: WinVNC and Java

From: Ingecom - SERRE Jean-Christophe ()
Date: Fri Aug 04 2000 - 13:02:36 EDT

  • Next message: W. Brian Blevins: "Re: Xvnc binary for AIX"

    Herbert Morales <> wrote:
    [ 8< About setting the Java viewer's files on a custom webserver ]
    > Jean: I tried, but dont succes.

    You must have forgotten some files or something, it's something that
    works. I've put online a reader-enabled summary of my notes about
    VNC/Java/etc. at:


    The way to do that is in point #1...

    > So I did a trick: In a Visual Basic programm I have a timer of 10
    > minutes interval and it executes the folowing cmd-file:
    > @echo off
    > cd \Program Files\ORL\Vnc
    > winvnc.exe -kill
    > net start winvnc > nul

    VB? You could do it simply using the SLEEP.EXE utility from NTRK
      <your stuff>
      SLEEP 600
      GOTO Disconnect
    or, similarly, using SOON.EXE at the end of the batch so that it always
    schedules itself for being executed again N seconds in the future.

    > Ok, the connection is interruped by a short time and the user have to
    > reload the brower again.

    The annoying thing here is that vnc is restarted independantly of the
    user's session: one could connect in the applet and then be possibly
    forcefully disconnected just a few seconds later -- it is not a
    "disconnection after N minutes of use".

    OTOH, the good point is that it's not possible to cheat, if those
    repeated disconnections are important for you. Using a browser-driven
    META-refresh scheme, it's always possible for someone really wanting it
    to avoid being disconnected...

    > Curiosly: The sys tray icon disappar, but VNC works fine again.

    That's nothing curious: after restarting WinVNC service on NT you have
    to rerun the Service Helper, i.e.:
      winvnc.exe -servicehelper
    so as to make trayicon come back. More importantly, while you don't do
    that, WinVNC will use your "Default settings" (especially the password)
    instead of "User settings".

    JCS - Jean-Christophe SERRE - INGECOM France - +33 (0)
    Microsoft: the 51st State of America -- 52nd coming soon!
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